AAR KAY Management Consultants
is a well managed company providing professional services to multinational and local corporates in the sphere of HR management.

AAR KAY Management Consultants with rich experience, unique internal culture, and substantial knowledge of the local market acquired over the years of successful operation allow us to successfully compete with other similar-profile companies in the sphere of recruiting and HR consulting business.

AAR KAY Management Consultants specializes in providing consulting services in the field of human resources management and advises clients on a variety of issues from identifying problem areas to designing and implementing human resource strategy.

AAR KAY Management Consultants is proud of its proven record of placing administrative, IT/Software, financial management, engineering, logistics, general management, corporate management, sales & marketing, and HR professionals in various fields, to include: Accounting & Finance, Administration, Advertising, Agricultural, IT / Software, Consulting, FMCG, High-Tech, Medical & Pharmaceutical, R&D, and others.
Practice transparent, sincere and efficient in becoming solution provider to client's requirements.
Copyright @ 2006. AAR KAY Management Consultants.